Robohawks Team 346
The Full Story
The Robohawks, team 346, is an FRC robotics team located at L.C. Bird High School in Chesterfield, County Virginia. We participated in our first competition in 2000, more than 20 years ago. Thanks to support from the school administration, teachers, parents, mentors and sponsors, the team has the longest continuous running program in Chesterfield county. Robohawks 346 competes in the FIRST Chesapeake division. We compete in a minimum of two regional competitions each year. We strive to make it to the district championships and even worlds each year. Robohawks regularly win awards at competitions, including our proudest moment in 2019 when we earned the Tesla Subdivision Winners Award at the world championships in Detroit, Michigan.
FRC is not just about the robot. The team is a business with both financial and operational leadership roles. The students run the business aspect of the team along with the design, construction, and programming of the robot.
In addition, we value outreach to promote the importance (and fun) of STEAM learning. Members of our team mentor a local elementary school and helped them start their own FIRST Lego League team. Our members enjoy working with the young students and hope to inspire them to want to find a value in the STEAM field.